Untitled Document


1969 Winner Rock championship, Trondheim, (1 single)
1970 Winner Norwegian songcontest, Talent–70 (Idol) NRK TV

1969-1973 Rock groups: Leif Sonells, Nidaros, Freddy Lindquist Band
1973-1981 Ruphus,  (touring Norway, Germany, Switzerland) Last tour in Germany in 1981

1979-1981 Gudny Aspaas Band, Darlings

1985-1987 Six Men in Glossy Shoes and The Bullshit Horn Section
1987-1990 Winnie the Pooh
1991-1993 Conspiracy mares
1995-2003 Tinkerbell
2003-2004 DuOss
2004-2007 Private party concerts
2009-2010 Ruphus reunion conserts

1968 Say a little Prayer (single)
1973 New Born Day, Ruphus (LP)    
1973 Flying Dutchman Fantacy, Ruphus (single)
1975 Let your light shine, Ruphus (LP)
1978 Manmade, Ruphus (LP)
1982 Dans med oss Gud (LP)
1985 Snapshots, solo (LP)
1991 Windshave, S. Undseth (LP)
1996 Colored dreams and Hidden sceam (CD). Ruphus (double)

1978 Rocky Horror show ( David Toguri reg.)

Eurovision song contest, Norwegian
4 times -76, -78, -82, -85

1979 Actresspart in movie “Lucie”.
Norwegian dubbing singing parts,
1999-2001 Mulan, Swanprincess, Swanprincess III.

Engaged in different TV and radioprograms during years.
Latest - a norwegian rock history(biography) NRK TV/radio 2004-2005

Engaged in different LP productions,
Popul Ace, Alex, New Jordal Singers….
Engaged as jurymember of the Norwegian “Grammy” “Spellemannprisen”, several times.

Made about 50 songs, (some recorded) Working with the material creating a new album.

The album “New born day” with Ruphus is now 46 in Norwegian best albums ever made rated in 2007.

Gudnyrock.no, Gudny Aspaas, mobile +47 918 27 559 - mail: gudny@gudnyrock.no. Design